Random articles I've found interesting (and remembered to save, in fact I probably read and found interesting ten articles for each one I remembered to note down...) over the last two weeks or so...
On the Euro Crisis:
The Secret Tool Draghi Uses to Run Europe (Forbes)
Finland will not hang itself to the euro at any cost… (ft.com/alphaville)
It’s hotter in Karlsruhe than you think (ft.com/alphaville)
Hunker down for a protracted euro crisis (ft.com)
About that tumbling euro (ft.com/alphaville)
Upsides to a tumbling euro? (ft.com/alphaville)
Dornbusch’s Law And The Euro (Krugman)
The Devil is in the Principles (The Irish economy)
Europe's Bank Shifts View on Bond Losses (WSJ)
When Losing Money Sounds Like A Good Idea (Forbes)
The Growing Pain in Spain (Creditwritedowns)
Police fire rubber bullets after huge Madrid protest (yahoo news)
The Latest Jaw-Dropping European Youth Unemployment Stats (Businessinsider)
Spanish yields spiralling upwards (ft.com/alphaville)
Not wanting to be left out, Spain’s CDS widen (ft.com/alphaville)
Greece Pressed to Resume Austerity Program (Nytimes.com)
German minister: 'horror' of Greek euro exit has faded (Telegraph.co.uk)
Moody's downgrades Italy debt rating 2 notches (AP)
A quick maturities reminder, featuring Spain and Italy (ft.com/alphaville)
On the US Economy:
Compensation, Too (Krugman)
Finance Capitalism (Krugman)
The commencement address that won’t be given (Berkley Blog)
The fiscal cliff and rationality (Econobrowser)
Economy and Economics in general:
China is probably doing worse than the headline GDP growth suggests (Alsosprachanalyst.com)
Economics Memes (Quickmeme)
The terminal disease afflicting banking (ft.com/alphaville)
We told you negative rates were a big deal (ft.com/alphaville)
Effects of offshoring on home employment and skill upgrading (Voxeu.org)
Erdogan’s Turkish Government Suppresses Alevi Muslim Minority (TWS)
Busy Month for Obama Campaign with Fundraisers in Switzerland, Sweden, Paris and Communist China (thegatewaypundit.com)
Pipelines bypassing Hormuz open (ft.com)
Miscellania:Optimal policy toward prostitution (Marginal Revolution)
Clive Thompson on 3-D Printing’s Legal Morass (Wired)
New 3-D Printers that Don’t Suck (Wired)
Medieval bras discovered at Austrian castle (Guardian)
'Extreme' solar flare erupts, looks like storm is headed to Earth (LAtimes.com)
Next American woman heads for space -- on this Russian rocket (investors.com)
The SEC’s distressed debt dragnet
4 days ago
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